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I'm on my period and have found for the last couple days that the actual tunnel (for lack of a better word) of my vagina feels sore. I've gotten cramps before, but they are normally near my stomach. I'm getting the feeling that this isn't normal as it hurts a lot and it sometimes hurts to sit down. I don't think that it's a yeast infection as it feels muscular, but I don't know. Does anyone have any ideas?
"When I'm in a pinch, you can save me, and when you're in a pinch, I'll be there for you. Friends."
Re: Weird period pains -
January 10th 2016, 03:43 PM
I think this is actually a normal feeling. I get the same thing a lot and most of my friends do too. It almost feels like it's aching and it hurts. If you're still concerned I would see about going to a doctor. Or you could ask the school nurse, I'm sure they've heard the question before.
"We all have battle scars, Finn. Suck it up and build a brace for yours."
Re: Weird period pains -
January 10th 2016, 04:47 PM
Like the above poster said, this is normal But if it keeps going for more than a couple of days after your period stops or if it gets really bad, you should ask a doctor.
The opposite of war isn't peace - it's creation
~Jonathan Larson
Re: Weird period pains -
January 10th 2016, 05:20 PM
Some periods can be more intense than others. This one sounds like a rough, but normal period. I wouldn't be worried about it. A warm bath should help soothe achy muscles.
If the pain continues well after your period is gone, perhaps calling your doctor might be a good idea. But for now, it sounds pretty normal to me.
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