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Conversation Between BillieRose88 and Amorphous.
Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 90 of 207
  1. Amorphous.
    June 24th 2012 11:29 AM - permalink
    Hahahaha, you very much a ranga person? I really love people with red hair as well, there IS something about it, isn't there? . You should meet my friend Ryan, full blown, bright red hair, really tall, tank, handsome and yes that is OK for me to say hehe. What colour's Ethyn? .

    You should defs check it out, type in The Price is Ouch .

    Losing conciousness is my dramatic term for fainting LOL. I would definitely black out because I am on my feet all day at the school, so if I do not get the energy I need, I will get light-headed and dizzy really easily.

    After a few minutes of feeling dizzy and losing blood to my brain, if I am still on my feet, I could very easiily black out. Forty hours will be VERY tough.

    Oooooooooh, really? I didn't know it meant so much to you. Hahaha, good choice. Yeah, your health and safety is the main priority, keep that in mind when you think of something to sacrifice for August (the month August hehe).

    I love councelling because it teaches me. I have learnt soooooooooo much since I started the councelling sessions, even from before I made an appointment, when he was telling me how to book an appointment.

    Every experience is different and especially when dealing with a very serious issue, yes, people burst into tears and find it very hard to talk about things. Sometimes it takes people weeks to get to the issue because they find it hard to share.

    I know when I had counselling for losing a friend, I nearly cried and I actually asked him, when does this get easier to talk about and think about, when do I see the effects?

    It worked, within four weeks it was a non-issue. Patience is the big thing. You have got to trust that the councellor knows what he is doing and follow the plan, the rewards will come in.

    It is just like training. I didn't think I would need a personal trainer and I did not think having one would make any difference. Three months later, I lost seven percent body fat, I was proved wrong. You have to trust a personal trainer that they know how the body works better than you do. .

  2. BillieRose88
    June 24th 2012 10:34 AM - permalink
    Actually, i have this thing where I just happen to fall in love with people with red hair. II always tell people "if you have red hair, I'll probably date you."
    Well, yeah, this teacher has red hair so..... Maybe he isn't very attractive in other people's eyes but I think he is one of the most attractive people that I know in real life!

    Ha, I didn't see it but I'll look it up

    Why would you lose conciousness? I couldn't do Music. Litterally. I would start cutting. I just... couldn't. No. I'd do... Sport/P.E
    Haha, nah, uhm.... I don't know ? I always did food so now I'm stumped...

    Why do you love councilling so much? From what I know about it, that is where people break down or burst into tears ?
    I know that MY experiences arn't like that but still....
  3. Amorphous.
    June 24th 2012 09:54 AM - permalink
    Hahaha, with regards to your teacher, considering how handsome you think he is, I am assuming you are not the only one who thinks this haha. Hot teachers may not always be the best teachers, but they certainly make for an... interesting school experience LOL.

    There's always one really attractive teacher at every school. You might have seen on The Price is Right a couple of days ago, the woman who kicked Larry Emdur in the when she "came on down" towards the stage.

    That was Magy Bestowras, one of the Ancient History Teachers at our school. She is the teacher everyone thinks is hot. Her and Luigi Serra, one of the LOTE Teachers. Italian hehe .

    What would you give up coming into the Fourty Hour Famine? I can't do food either, I would lose conciousness within the first probably twenty hours. I would give up probably Music. It is supposed to be a REEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLY hard thing to give up to empathise with the cause, so...

    Yay, Tuesdays RULE DUDE! I have two frees AND a counselling sesh on Tuesday, everything is set up for a very good one . Fair enough. It takes a lot of couragev to go in there in the first place.

    How did you enjoy that session? You doing to get into any more? I don't even go in to talk about issues so much, I just talk about psychology a lot of the time hehe .
  4. BillieRose88
    June 24th 2012 02:11 AM - permalink
    Winking isn't ALWAYS flirting.........

    I HOPE I have a secret admirer! He's soooooooo sooooooo soooooooo hott And I think that it's because of his red hair, not because he's fit

    But sport and exercise isn't the thing for me... Besides, I'm so skinny that if I were to do the fourty hour famine and give up food I would need to go to hospital...

    I have counselling on Tuesdays, too! But I only go occasionally.............

    Yeah, yeah, it's free =] I've only been once and that was with my friends Ha
  5. Amorphous.
    June 24th 2012 01:57 AM - permalink
    Hahaha, yeah, when I did primary teaching, it was crazy, I eventually started working with them properly the second week but the first week was chaos! Suckers tried to twist my wrist.

    I had noticed one thing though, the teacher kept on winking at me LOL. Winking doesn't necessarily always mean flirting right?

    Ooooh, just out of time .

    Aaaaah, you might have a secret admirer on your hands hehe. Jokes, jokes . That's what training does for you, exercise and training when done properly can make anyone really attactive. You shouldn't train JUST for the looks, but that's what it does for you .

    Sport and exercise have so many great effects .

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEE!!! In other words, I am sooooooooooooo looking forward to my next counselling session. The day my English assignment which I haven't even started yet is due, Tuesday . I have got to start that assignment LOL and there are soooooo many things I want to talk about and ask Tuesday .

    You know how your school has a councellor? Is that a free service? In America, you only get a certain amount of sessions free (eight). I am sooooooooo grateful for the school's counselling service, it has saved my sanity LOL. One of the things I am definitely going to miss .

  6. BillieRose88
    June 23rd 2012 01:30 PM - permalink
    Oh, I also caught him staring at me in the office...
    He was looking at me and I cauht him and he looked away [embarrassed] and then lookd back a few times... xD
  7. BillieRose88
    June 23rd 2012 01:19 PM - permalink
    That is exactly why I would hate to be a teacher!

    I always feel awkward around kids that I know.. Like I'm the grown up and I don't want to play... But, if it's a kid that I haven't ever met, I'll play with them forever. I think it's because I like making friends... It's hard to explain

    Why, thankyou

    My subjects are already filled

    Well, he isn't my teacher... I see him around the school and he is very attractive so I THINK that when I smile at him it might be flirtatious... He does that thing where he'll look and smile as he turns away then looks black smiling...

  8. Amorphous.
    June 23rd 2012 01:08 PM - permalink
    Ouch indeed LOL. That is going to hurt tomorrow. Imagine teachers, when students are out of control, kicking the teacher in the shins, how they control them. How do you gain a five year old's respect, so they can realise you are not someone they want to flip around with, it's beyond me LOL.

    That's one of the skills of teachers, getting their student's respect and truth be told, it is hard earning anyone's respect. You do have to earn it.

    Hahaha, yeah, I am still trying to decode what he said hehe . Kids speak completely different languages to rather sophisticated people like your's truly LOL. Have you ever felt out of place, where everyone else is so immature and like kids?

    You don't sound like a kid, you sound like a young woman, there's a difference .

    Yeah, they do integrate it, up until Year Ten to make sure students conform to government standards for participation in sports. In Year Eleven, they seperate them into P.D.H and a subject called SLR (Sports, Lifestyle and Recreation). The theory (first aid, msucle groups, bit of mental health) and nothing but sport respectively .

    So when you are in Year Eleven, choose P.D.H.P.E because that is the theory part you like .

    Hahaha, that's a fairly troubling sign if he is staring at you during class. Even if I liked one of the teachers, I would not be very comfortable with them staring at me hehe . What kind of stare is it?

    Much of the good stuff .

  9. BillieRose88
    June 23rd 2012 12:42 PM - permalink
    Yeah, he is deffinetly one of my favorites


    whhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttt???? Hahahahaha

    Well, maybe... They make it PDHPE though so you need to participate in P.D.H AND P.E. You're right.... There is this teacher that I really like and he always stares at me ?

    Oh, yeah, I'm deffinetly nearly better...
  10. Amorphous.
    June 23rd 2012 12:16 PM - permalink
    I'll definitely look them up now . He one of your favorite artists? Oooooh, that is really early LOL. I would not be able to get out of bed especially in winter. Why thank you, I have been noted for my handwriting speed, you tohught Gonzales was speedy hehe.

    I need aspirin LOL. A five year old and an eleven year old running around playing Call of Duty, Black Ops.

    The five year old kid was high on sugar from my Mum's pineapple custard with caramel and passionatefruit sauce and kicked me in the shins for ten minutes straight.

    The eleven year old is just wierd. We were talking and he goes, "how many times did you shower today?" In conversation of course LOL. Anyway, I told him I had two showers today and he goes:

    "Oh, yeah, one before the homosexual thing and one AFTER the homosexual thing."


    Maybe with this new replacement teacher, you might LOL . Everyone is different . Didn't you say you loved P.D.H, though? I reckon P.D.H wa the subject for me, definitely .

    That close! Ooooooooh, sorry to hear that you are onto something else now, it won't last forever. You will be better in no time . If you can talk to me and successfully read my VMs, it means you are fairly healthy hehe .
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