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Conversation Between bringmethehorizon♥ and LlamaLlamaDuck
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 62
  1. LlamaLlamaDuck
    July 22nd 2015 08:02 PM - permalink
    Yeahhhh I rambled a little bit. Sorry! I'll try and remember to colour code and paragraph next time I write that much.
    I'm doing good. Trying an experiment with my hair and should know by half nine whether it's worked or not. Fingers crossed!

    How are you doing?
  2. bringmethehorizon♥
    July 22nd 2015 06:27 PM - permalink
    Louise How you doing? Thanks for your lengthy PM I had to take breaks when reading it.
  3. bringmethehorizon♥
    June 13th 2015 11:36 PM - permalink
    Just got a lot on my mind gets a little upsetting having so much to think about it builds up if you know what I mean all the pressure. That sounds awesome! How's the how car situation going for you now?

    Take care ~Justin~
  4. LlamaLlamaDuck
    June 13th 2015 11:31 PM - permalink
    What's up? Sometimes the best thing you can do after a rough day is to just have a nice bath, put your feet up, and decide that tomorrow will be better. You have more control than you think, make tomorrow count!
    The Saturday I'm helping to run a stand for work (Scottish War Blinded) at Armed Forces Day, so basically just sit and give some information and free pens out. I get to take it as TOIL though (Day Off In Lieu, means I get an extra day's holiday because I worked outwith my normal hours). The Sunday it looks like I'll be working at the bar in our church hall. I've been doing it since I was 17 (collecting glasses till I could serve, that's illegal now) but there's a Christening on next week and no one else to do it. Fun!
    That's the thing, it lies there for weeks and when you do it it's not actually that bad. It doesn't take long. It's just the idea of it all I cannot be bothered.
  5. bringmethehorizon♥
    June 13th 2015 10:56 PM - permalink
    feeling a bit upset today but I'll be ok just been one of those days you know? I'm very proud of you for volunteering one thing about voluntary is that you can learn from it and I hope you learn some amazing skills what are you volunteering to do? My room needs sorting out it had all clothes on the floor until I picked them up.
  6. LlamaLlamaDuck
    June 13th 2015 10:49 PM - permalink
    Hey Justin.

    You're welcome! I've had two jobs that I despised so I know how hard it can be. After about three weeks in the first one I was actually crying and begging my mum to let me call in sick because I hated it so much. Luckily (or not) I got a job with the other place I hated later that week and resigned from the first one immediately.

    I'm doing good. I'm going on holiday 2 weeks tomorrow and somehow need to clear up and re-arrange my room before then even though next weekend I'm going to be too busy volunteering so that will be fun to fit in around packing.
    How are you doing?
  7. bringmethehorizon♥
    June 13th 2015 09:26 PM - permalink
    Thanks for you're reply on my thread.

    How are you doing?

    Take care ~Justin~
  8. LlamaLlamaDuck
    June 4th 2015 07:25 PM - permalink
    Hey Justin. Thanks, I really appreciate it. I'm okay. Shaken, not stirred.
    All will be well in time, young grasshopper.
  9. bringmethehorizon♥
    June 4th 2015 04:17 PM - permalink
    Hi lovely I saw your post and thought I would let you know I'm here if you want to talk. you're amazing always remember that lovely.
  10. LlamaLlamaDuck
    May 25th 2015 08:07 AM - permalink
    Awwww that's adorable. The past couple of years we've gone on holiday to the Isle of Man and there's this wildlife park there that has one llama. The poor thing has a genetic condition so his jaw is all out of alignment and he's missing an eye. But he is the most social llama I've ever met (I have actually met a few llamas). He comes right up and will stand there and pose for the camera. My brother called him... Mungo? Mongo? Whatever the massive gingerbread man in Shrek was called. He's lovely.
    You can yeah, there are official llama owners' associations and stuff. There's also a place just outside of Penrith called The Llama Karma Kafe. It's a little café with llamas. You can adopt one, go on treks, pet them. Or just go for a weekend and stay in their B&B - The Llama's Pyjamas. It's so cool.

    Yeah it's been about 3/4 weeks. I've done just over 600 miles so far, and because I drove into work today and am taking my dad to a meeting on the coast tonight, it'll be 700 by the time I get back home tonight. THEY DO. I took a wrong turn last week so went back the way I came, tried to rejoin the road I'd been on and it told me to go in completely the opposite direction. I'm considering just forgetting about the built in one and investing in a TomTom. The one I have is quite new so I feel like the guinea pig testing it and the guinea pig ain't happy so far.
    Hey, don't worry about how long it takes you. I took lessons on and off for three years before I passed. Mostly down to one instructor who totally scammed me but still. Everyone goes at different speeds and it's better you take your time and do it right than rush through it and end up in an accident. You'll pass when you're ready, sometimes that just takes a while.
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