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Conversation Between escape♥ and mindflower
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
  1. escape♥
    January 2nd 2013 04:29 PM - permalink
    Of course, Tay. You're welcome.
  2. mindflower
    January 2nd 2013 02:40 PM - permalink
    Thank you...so much...
  3. escape♥
    January 2nd 2013 04:38 AM - permalink
    I know what you mean, I'm the same way.

    I'm always here for you, if you ever need anything or just somebody to talk to.
  4. mindflower
    January 2nd 2013 03:14 AM - permalink
    well, if I had it my way, I would just give up For myself. But I know I can't, it would just hurt too many people.
    The people who are there for me, I have to stay for them or they'll leave because of me. And I can't have that. They mean too much to me
    Thank you for caring... it really means a lot.
    and I love that quote, really it has helped me a lot more than people think. And it is, very true
  5. escape♥
    December 31st 2012 05:21 AM - permalink
    You have to give yourself time. Just because they're not looking at the past and (may have) moved on, doesn't mean you have to. Your emotions are valid, & you were grieving the loss of a relationship, you were in mourning basically.

    I really appreciate you holding on for me, but you gotta do it for yourself too, Tay. I know how hard it is, trust me, I do. Promise. But you gotta realize, that there may come a time when the people you were hanging on for won't be there.

    Don't break down, because of what I just said. Look at it from a logical point of view. People change, and come and go. If you are holding on for them, being strong for them, and they leave, where does that leave you?

    I just don't want to see you hurt, Tay. Or worse, gone. I care too much, k?

    So, just try and be strong for yourself, because you want to be happy. That's what I try and do. I think to myself "It has to get better, it has to. So I gotta fight, to make it happen sooner. I don't want to hurt the people that matter most to me."

    It's good, though, that you want to be an inspiration and be a story to relate to and such. That's awesome.

    You're right, everything gets better in the end.
  6. mindflower
    December 31st 2012 03:56 AM - permalink
    I try not to look to the past much, like... I read my blog entries from long ago today and just felt like melting away. But I guess... if they're not looking back at it why should I?
    Yeah.... life does that :/
    I'm trying my best to hold on, especially for sweet and caring people like yourself and many on here as well. Kinda like... being a story to relate to and see a stronger ending... hopefully

    everything gets better in the end, and if its not better, then it isn't the end
  7. escape♥
    December 31st 2012 02:54 AM - permalink
    Hey, it's gonna be okay. I'm glad you beyond the past; I'm so proud of you.
    I know what you mean, my life is the same way at the moment.
    You just gonna hang in there, take it day by day and remember it does get better, eventually.
    It has to.
  8. mindflower
    December 31st 2012 02:27 AM - permalink
    It was... extremely hard without them yes... a couple of broken SH promises and a trip to the hospital... but I'm just sort of proud now that its done with.
    I guess life right now...its spinning my head every which was and its just getting darker and darker... Idk.
    Bleh random smiley face
  9. escape♥
    December 31st 2012 02:18 AM - permalink
    I bet that was terribly painful, and I'm sorry for that.
    I know what you mean, about the with her but not with life thing. I totally understand.
    You're very welcome.
  10. mindflower
    December 30th 2012 04:03 AM - permalink
    Well, it was terribly complicated and it only got worse when they left me.... ow :/
    But I'm happy with her, I mean... like having her as my girlfriend. Not necessarily with life... but I have no room to complain I guess.
    Thank you though.... she was sort of doubting our relationship tonight... but I just hope I don't lose her again.... so thanks
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