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Conversation Between Harmony♥ and Spirit.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 105
  1. Spirit.
    January 8th 2012 03:59 PM - permalink
    I am so sorry I haven't been able to reply. A lot has been happening. My uncle passed away 18th december, it's been kinda hard, got my exam results back too. Fortunately, nothing too disastrous there. How have you been? I've missed you like crazy!
    I hope your Christmas was good! Here's wishing you a very happy new year! I hope it's nothing short of brilliant! <3
  2. Harmony♥
    December 23rd 2011 03:35 PM - permalink
    Hello deary. How are you?
  3. Spirit.
    December 23rd 2011 03:19 PM - permalink
    *cough cough*
  4. Spirit.
    November 13th 2011 04:34 AM - permalink
    Oh, yeah? I'll go check it out!
  5. Harmony♥
    November 11th 2011 05:20 PM - permalink
    Absolutely! It was truly amazing! Go on YouTube and search the show: American Horror Story. We happened to be talking about ghosts earlier, and if you're into that kind of stuff, this show is perfect!
  6. Spirit.
    November 11th 2011 05:19 PM - permalink
    Had a good show then?
  7. Spirit.
    November 6th 2011 01:17 PM - permalink
    Lol. That sounds so freaking awesome!

    Ahhaaaaaa. Like thaaaat. That makes sense. Yea. Well...you're not supposed to drink the water, I hope you know that! Heehee.

    It's been non-stop showers here. The roads are well, and literally starting to show the wear and tear from all the rain, it's cool and nice, though, I have a bad cold myself, so I'm not enjoying the cold part of it, but the rain part, oh, yeah, it's making me very happy!
  8. Harmony♥
    October 30th 2011 08:53 PM - permalink
    Lmfao! It's been cold, but today has been the one day it's been raining. I was gone all weekend to the boyfriends' aunt's house two hours from here. I love it there! I have so much fun, and she always makes too much food. I feel like a beach whale right now!

    But. I live in the midwest :P There is no ocean anywhere NEAR us. We have lakes, which includes beaches. It's not the first time I've been to a beach, trust me. Just my first time seeing the ocean. It was a lot of fun, but the water was gross and it's too salty for me!
  9. Spirit.
    October 29th 2011 02:38 PM - permalink
    Aren't I?

    Wow, that sounds like a whole load of fun!
    Reallly?! I live like not even a kilometer away from the beach. I absolutely love the water. It's the best when I go early in the morning when it's chilly outside and the water is warm and soothing. Oh, the number of trips my family has taken to the beach. Sometimes, we go all the way to this beach called Tiger's cave, some 20 km from here just 'cause not many people go there. We take like 4 or 5 cars (lots of people in my family! ) cars and drive up there early in the morning, play in the water, eat our packed picnic, and head home. It's so amazing!

    Oh, and it's beeen POURING out here. It's so cold. I was just wondering, if I find this weather cold, how can I survive anywhere else?!
  10. Harmony♥
    October 28th 2011 03:50 PM - permalink
    Haha. You're so smart, Kav!

    But, Kris and I went to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I had never seen the ocean before, so it was an amazing experience for me. We only went to the beach once, but our hotel room was right on the water, so we sat outside on our balcony a lot and listened to the ocean! I had a blast. Just...the ocean was...gross and salty :P
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