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Conversation Between Lifesucks143 and bayhorse321
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 90
  1. Lifesucks143
    July 9th 2011 01:40 AM - permalink
    He joined in 2009 though so I don't think it's him.
  2. bayhorse321
    July 9th 2011 01:37 AM - permalink
    She has tremendously. It is all of the extra work. I have reached my breaking point! I can't do anymore. Hey if I didn't do moo would you want too? Just a thought because I am thinking about it you know. All these horses creates me a ton of stress.
  3. bayhorse321
    July 9th 2011 01:34 AM - permalink
  4. Lifesucks143
    July 9th 2011 01:23 AM - permalink
    I just found a guy on here named Terry that is a lot like my boyfriend but he lives in Canada.
  5. Lifesucks143
    July 9th 2011 01:21 AM - permalink
    Some parents suck.... I will always be by your side no matter what. I'm here till the end. And yeah I noticed. :/ And I think destiny has helped too.
  6. bayhorse321
    July 9th 2011 01:07 AM - permalink
    It's life that I don't want to do. My father wished it upon me... Mom isn't around enough to care. I have no drive for anything. I am surprised that you are still my friend. I am thinking about giving destiny back to missi I just can't so this anymore. The pain never goes away. I did it again today. I just hate myself sooo much. Without yOu I never would have made it this far.
  7. Lifesucks143
    July 9th 2011 01:03 AM - permalink
    The garden or life? I've lost my drive to do anything anymore. I don't even want to get out of bed anymore. I sometimes wish that I wouldn't wake up in the morning...then my parents wish would come true. They've both wished it upon me. Life has seriously gone down hill. Thank you for always being here for me and being such an amazing friend. I don't know what Id do without you. <3
  8. bayhorse321
    July 9th 2011 12:58 AM - permalink
    I think I don't want to do this any more...
  9. Lifesucks143
    July 9th 2011 12:55 AM - permalink
    THAT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!=D GARDENS ARE FUN! GOOD LUCK! <3
  10. bayhorse321
    July 6th 2011 04:36 PM - permalink
    Hello!!!! Crystalle!!!! I!!!! am!!!!! going!!!!! to!!!!! make!!!! a!!!!!! GARDEN!!!!!!!! This is super exciting!!!!! <3
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