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Conversation Between Unicorn. and Naomi.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 231
  1. Naomi.
    April 25th 2010 09:51 PM - permalink
  2. Naomi.
    April 17th 2010 04:35 PM - permalink
    You are b-e-a-utiful.
    Oo Oo Oo and I love you xD
    Want to see my new trick? ♥ <--- How cool?! xD
  3. Unicorn.
    April 17th 2010 03:08 PM - permalink
  4. Naomi.
    April 4th 2010 07:06 PM - permalink
    That's the crappiest thing
    And they were going to do it when I was c-mod but they didnt
    Ilahvyooh <3
  5. Unicorn.
    April 4th 2010 05:22 PM - permalink
    tell that to Rob and operations and procedures
    I think it's cause none of use were doing our primary jobs very well too, but we could have just been reminded about that
  6. Naomi.
    April 4th 2010 05:15 PM - permalink
    But but but that's silly cos now when you need to call a special person cos there is a nasty troll, you can't tell who the special people are
  7. Unicorn.
    April 4th 2010 05:11 PM - permalink
    Becuase the committes got jealous of our special colour and cause it's only a secondary poition they got rid of the blue
    Make them gimme it back
  8. Naomi.
    April 4th 2010 05:07 PM - permalink
    Whai is Jess not blue?
  9. Naomi.
    March 4th 2010 10:36 PM - permalink
    That's crappy
    I kick those bugs asses?
    I love you so much, beautiful <3
  10. Unicorn.
    March 4th 2010 07:11 PM - permalink
    Miss you too
    Feeling kinda ill and crappy right now. WIll make self better and get back online, legit.
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