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Welcome me, I'm new!

Hominis Offline

Life and death in every step.

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 54
  1. Mel
    September 11th 2012 05:57 AM - permalink
    Mroof! I miss you so much. I hope you're doing okay too. Do you still have my number? If you do, text me some time. I love you too. I hope we talk soon. <3
  2. Just Peachy.
    August 17th 2012 03:22 PM - permalink
    Just Peachy.
    Jer. I love you. <3
  3. Quirinus
    March 19th 2011 07:41 AM - permalink
    Its about time to :O
    Just kidding..
    He's doing alright, he big boy now ^_^ Though, hes going to he vets soon, hes going to come back a different man.. er cat.. but yeah.. heh
    How've you been?
  4. Quirinus
    December 7th 2010 04:23 AM - permalink
    I misssssssss you
  5. MegaMadness
    November 19th 2010 09:50 AM - permalink
    I miss you kid cause you mad.
  6. Obliviate
    November 7th 2010 04:57 PM - permalink
    things that dont follow the pattern make me smile ...
    they're the things that make the world keep turning
  7. Just Peachy.
    November 7th 2010 06:00 AM - permalink
    Just Peachy.
    For what..?
  8. Obliviate
    November 6th 2010 03:14 PM - permalink
    nawwh.. Thankyou.
    I'm glad you're okay..
    By the way your message made me smile.. I like things that are unexpected <3
  9. Alistare
    November 6th 2010 01:48 AM - permalink
    Hey! sorry I haven't been around.. A lot's been going on recently.
  10. Obliviate
    November 5th 2010 10:34 PM - permalink
    Meh.. things aren't too great..
    how about yourself ? <3

About Me

  • Basics
    Jeremy [Ghost]
    New York.
  • About
    About me
    I want you to look deep within your soul. I want you to close your eyes, and breathe. How do you feel? Do you feel calm? Do you feel scared when you look inside yourself? I used to, too. TeenHelp will help with that. You make friends, you create bonds with people you wouldn't have otherwise met. To be truthful, you will form friends upon friends here, however you will gain a deeper knowledge and appreciation for the people around you. You'll realize that your issues are common, and there are many, many ways to deal with them.

    Every time you log in, every time you say "Hello" to someone, you're changing someone's life. You're making them a better person, and leaving an impact on them. I hope you realize just how much power you do have, even though you feel powerless. Send them a kind smile, send them some kind words, and you'll get back what you give. Give back to the community, it shall give back to you.

    It is my hope, during your stay here, that you will learn, love, and treat people with respect. It is my hope that you will earn friends, confidants, and people to talk to and help you through your issues and problems. Everyone needs someone to lean on. Everyone. I don't care who you are.

    All this being said, my VM and PM box are always open for anyone for any reason, little or small. I even like friends. I don't bite...much. :3

    Thanks for reading.

    Jeremy/Popcorn/Pink Ranger
  • Details
    Here for
    Here to help.
    Relationship status
    In a relationship
    Homosexual/Gay or lesbian
    High School
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  • Interests
    Too much to name.
    Too many to name.
    Family Guy. :D
    Too many to name.
    Harry Potter.
  • Signature
    .never tickle a sleeping dragon.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: September 2nd 2012 04:06 PM
  • Join Date: December 11th 2009
  • Referrals: 0


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