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Good Days! Great days are always worth celebrating, so share your good times with us here!
It's easy to forget what you did in January when it comes to December. I know I often forget what I did, and if I haven't achieved anything big, it makes it more difficult to reflect on the good things. I don't often remember my small wins throughout the year. That's where a 'Good Things Jar' can help! It's an incredibly effective way to remind us of how much we have achieved throughout the year and helps us to appreciate the small things in life.
Has anyone ever created a 'Good Things Jar'? If not, will you be trying it this year? Not only does it help you to focus on the good things every day, but you'll have a whole jar of good things to look back over at the end of the year.
It's really simple to create one.
Get any empty jar, a box or a container of your choice
Decorate it if you wish
On a small piece of paper, write something good that happened in your day and put a date on it
Fold up the piece of paper and pop it into the jar
Your jar could include:
Happy moments or thoughts
Daily wins
Something that made you laugh
Something you're grateful for
Good things you've done for someone else
Photographs of good memories
We're only a week into January, so if you want to try this yourself, it's not too late to start this!
That sounds like a great idea! I think one of my friends is doing this. I hope it helps!
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
I've never made a good thing are, at our church we have two jars call, The Love Jar and Compliment Jar and you can write on paper anything that you love about yourself or someone else. It can be, I love my siblings because they always understand me or I love being happy, ect. It's lovely to write very nice things about others. Then the other jar is called Compliment Jar and we give compliments to other people and it's a lot of fun and it's a nice thing to do for other people.
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"Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat,
It’s the rhythm
of your life.
It’s the expression
in time and movement,
in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.
-Jacques d’Ambroise''
I love this idea! I've heard about a Compliment Jar such as Emmie described, but I've never tried a Good Things Jar. It sounds like an amazing idea that can have a very positive impact, and at the same time is really simple to create/keep up.
Re: Good Things Jar -
February 11th 2024, 11:01 PM
I think this is a great idea, I've never heard of a concept like this. It's something that can be done year-round and would be a great thing to utilize in a moment when you're feeling down or in doubt about yourself.