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Conversation Between Amorphous. and BillieRose88
Showing Visitor Messages 191 to 200 of 207
  1. BillieRose88
    June 3rd 2012 01:30 PM - permalink
    ...The Piano gives me a feeling that I can not explain... I can't even think of a worthy comparison... I love venting on the Piano... Composing music is amazing when it is fill of emotion and it is even more amazing when you play it to someone and they, too, can feel the emotion you felt at the time you composed it...

    You really should learn Piano.. It is a great instrument to learn and I honestly could never live without the Piano in my life. Ever.
    It would be a very worthwhile experience for you.

    I think the same as you about Piano and Acoustic Guitar being great communication for emotions... I guess that's why they are the two instrument s that I can play, though, I deffinetly don't understand a guitar and all of it's power enough to compose emotional music on it... I just use everyone else's music

    Well, I am in a band... Kinda.. My friend Jess and I get together and write music sometimes and we call ourselves 'Unjustified Happenstance'
    Our sound is a but harder to explain. Look up the song 'So Cold- Ben Cocks' and that's kind of it.... Kinda like Evanescence, too...
    Our Acoustic guitar songs sound more like Taylor Swift crossed with Jack Johnson

    It's impossible to have a musical inspiration with Unjustified Happenstance but my personal inspiration, hero and role model is a little girl by the name of Emily Bear.
    One day, you should look up her music, I think you'd like it Look up the songs 'The music in me', 'I'm Home' and 'Ellen's song'. They are some of her most popular compositions, though, with nearly a thousand, there had got to be a better one there. She also does 'Solfeggietto' at the age of SIX!?!?!? She is one of those people that truely feel the Magick of a Piano... I just love her

    I'm glad that your friend pulled you through
    I especially need to thank you because Academics is such a big part in my life and I would hate for it to be a reason for depression....
  2. Amorphous.
    June 3rd 2012 12:15 PM - permalink
    Oooooooooooooh, sorry LOL. You OK haha? I am going to raid my English Teacher's mind next haha . It is the first time I have written a narrative for legit 18 months. I have written screenplay since then.

    Piano is the best instrument for communicating emotion through music. That and acoustic guitar. I would love to start playing seriously some time and start learning what there is to learn. It's such an eerie and beautiful feeling when you sit behind the piano.

    You feel protected.

    Do you ever vent your emotion when you play? I know when I play the drums, people know when I have something on my mind because they can hear it haha . I use so many aggressive fills and I grip the stick in a certain way. REALLY tight haha.

    Hit after hit after hit haha . I have always wanted to be in a band. If you could have a band, what would you pick as the name and genre?

    An acoustic rock band named Imogen.

    Finally, who is your music inspiration? BOYCE AVENUE!!!!!!!

    No problem. I have seen the affects of bad marks on people's emotion. Me, myself. I am coming last in English and I was depressed for a few days thinking I was an embarrassment to my class. And then one of the guys in my class talked to me about it.

  3. BillieRose88
    June 3rd 2012 10:35 AM - permalink
    I had a dream about drowning last night and I think it was from your 'Euphoria" story... Thanks!! Haha

    I can beat that EASY considering that I am actually a Pianist- I've been plaing for nearly seven years- not a guitarist... I just do guitar as a side thing

    Oh, I can see us in a band now... *dreams*
    We would be number one all around the world!!!!

    I'm during my half- yearlies now...

    It wouldn't let me upload them!!!! I'll do it when I can...

    Thankyou so much... That means a lot to me
  4. Amorphous.
    June 3rd 2012 10:25 AM - permalink
    Haha, I got your repsonse and I thank you very much . It's going such a good place, I just don't know where. I know she is going to die and I know I have to do a description of that feeling of Euphoria and Hypoxia when she starts drowning. I know I want to do a few lines from the paramedic's point of view, but I am going to have to sleep on it. No, wait. DREAM on it .

    WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY jelly haha . I can play "Chopsticks" on the piano. BEAT THAT LOL . Nah, I wish I could play guitar and it is an awesome song to play on guitar, I'm sure.

    Eh! You know what would be awesome? A cover performance with Ellie singing, you on the guitar and me on the cajon (that cardbox board looking thing where you slap the front of it and it makes a beat). We would be untouchable haha .

    Yeah, they are probably just too busy to reply. I know I am never too busy to talk to you and the guys on here. P.S. Sorry for the lately reply haha. I JUST fixed my laptop, so now, no more late messages!!!!!! .

    AAAAH, but you must be in an exam period right now (Yearlies or whatever, where you do not have classes). Our next exam period is the Trials in late July. That is going to be #%##$%@ hectic. And not in a good way haha.


    Did you upload them? I cannot see anything. I am not wearing my glasses LOL!


    No matter what the markers think you deserve, you are still a smart, beautiful young girl. Don't let a bad result get you down .
  5. BillieRose88
    June 1st 2012 08:28 AM - permalink
    I shall read your "Euphoria" thread as soon as I can
    I can play Driveby by Train on the guitar!! You jelly?
    My French teacher never replies to my e-mails so don't worry, it's probably not a personal thing...
    I have had exams all week!! I had Maths on Tuesday (I came top of the class with an 'A' ) then Geogrpahy on Wednesday, Science and PDHPE Yesterday and I had English today. Next week I have my electives, so, French and Music
    I do Advanced Math That's the highest you get unless your like a guy in my year (Year 9) doing year 10 advanced Maths
    Haha the photos of me in Ellie's album are some of the worst photos of me ever! I'll put some not-so-great-but-better ones up now...
    I love meeting new people, too!! I've been doing it a lot lately
    Thankyou for asking about my morning but it's prevening here
  6. Amorphous.
    June 1st 2012 04:21 AM - permalink
    P.S. Friend request = sent haha
  7. Amorphous.
    June 1st 2012 02:20 AM - permalink
    How could I ever forget you!!!!!!!!!! , I have been good these past couple of days, chilling, doing assignments and totally not getting distracted by my music haha . Nah, I was listening to Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol and as soon as the instrumental came on, the sun started shining through the roof. I'm like "God says 'turn it up' LOL".

    It has been so boring LOL. Where is the emotion, where is the drama haha? I just came up with a MASSIVE new idea for my creative writing piece for the Trial HSC. 'Tis called "Euphoria". It is in one of my threads (which no one has commented on yet: GRRRRRRRNESS ).

    I heard "Drive By" by Train for the first time. OMG. I also wrote to my old English teacher from my former school who hasn't written back as yet :/. What is with people ignoring emails?

    I have had three exams in as many weeks. Business last week, Maths yesterday and English on Tuesday. That should be illegal haha . What level Mathematics do you do? GENERAL REPRESENT HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you love it.

    Just looking at you and some of your photos in Ellie's albums, I WOULD NOT guess you were a Maths lover. You're not Asian are you? HAHA, LOL, jokes. I used to lovvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee Maths at my old school. I don't know what changed.

    I also met someone new, Erin. I LOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEE meeting new people.

    Other than that I have just been living my intensely awesome, crazy, unpredictable (usually) life. Welcome to my crazy world .

    And how are you this fine morning?
  8. BillieRose88
    May 31st 2012 11:44 AM - permalink
    Hiya! Remember me? I haven't spoken to you in ages! How have you been?
  9. BillieRose88
    May 16th 2012 11:01 AM - permalink
    I realised :P
    Hehe, that's alright
  10. Amorphous.
    May 16th 2012 08:39 AM - permalink
    hey, claudia, hope you don't mind, i stole "La Musique Est Mon Tout" for my user title .
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