FRIENDS (She's Amazing<3)
Posted December 13th 2012 at 08:48 PM by Amorphous.
Updated December 13th 2012 at 08:55 PM by Amorphous.
Updated December 13th 2012 at 08:55 PM by Amorphous.
Morning or evening or day or night or afternoon guys, how are we, are we good, are we well, are we happy? WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
. In other words, "so happy at the moment". You know why? I'm about to tell you why. Can you handle why?
Okay, so in June, I wrote what is probably the happiest and corniest blog post I have ever done. It was called "DO YOU LIKE ME?" and it was basically a massive thank you note to my two best friends, who are still my two best friends. They saved me and they put up with my long VMs LOL, and I just wanted to say thanks.
Well over these past couple of months, I made a new friend. You know who you are and I just wanted to say a massive thank you for being my friend and thanks so much for just being there for me, offering me teas and being "sweeter than my cupcake", and yes, that is a direct quote from you LOL
Anyone who knows me in real life also knows that I lost a friend in June last year. I nearly collapsed about 4000 times LOL, and I was pretty smashed by the whole thing. I got through it, with councelling but yeah. It's people like you that make me realise, I'm not alone and I shouldn't feel lonely. Cause I could have the worst day ever but I know I've got you to talk to about it and that's huge. That's why in my humble opinion, you rock <3.
That's my message to her but here's my message to YOU. No matter how bad a situation is, no matter how much a life situation might seem hopeless or whatever, FRIENDS are the ones who get you through it. My only good days when I lost my friend were from music and friends.
They're the ones you can always call or email, even at 5AM and they are the ones who listen and care. You've got a friend in me, the resident cheer-er-uper-er LOL, but there are SO many others who CARE.
I promise. If you find a friend, you will not regret having to wait, they are your BEST bet of getting through a rough patch in your life and they make your day easier. No matter how bad it might be, just remember, people CARE. THOSE are your friends.

Okay, so in June, I wrote what is probably the happiest and corniest blog post I have ever done. It was called "DO YOU LIKE ME?" and it was basically a massive thank you note to my two best friends, who are still my two best friends. They saved me and they put up with my long VMs LOL, and I just wanted to say thanks.
Well over these past couple of months, I made a new friend. You know who you are and I just wanted to say a massive thank you for being my friend and thanks so much for just being there for me, offering me teas and being "sweeter than my cupcake", and yes, that is a direct quote from you LOL

Anyone who knows me in real life also knows that I lost a friend in June last year. I nearly collapsed about 4000 times LOL, and I was pretty smashed by the whole thing. I got through it, with councelling but yeah. It's people like you that make me realise, I'm not alone and I shouldn't feel lonely. Cause I could have the worst day ever but I know I've got you to talk to about it and that's huge. That's why in my humble opinion, you rock <3.

That's my message to her but here's my message to YOU. No matter how bad a situation is, no matter how much a life situation might seem hopeless or whatever, FRIENDS are the ones who get you through it. My only good days when I lost my friend were from music and friends.
They're the ones you can always call or email, even at 5AM and they are the ones who listen and care. You've got a friend in me, the resident cheer-er-uper-er LOL, but there are SO many others who CARE.
I promise. If you find a friend, you will not regret having to wait, they are your BEST bet of getting through a rough patch in your life and they make your day easier. No matter how bad it might be, just remember, people CARE. THOSE are your friends.
Total Comments 3
Posted December 14th 2012 at 08:42 PM by Samwise -
Posted May 20th 2013 at 05:42 PM by havehopeyourbeautiful