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Debunking the myths of alcoholism
By Jenny (coolkid98)
The myths and misconceptions about alcoholism can make it hard for those affected to reach out and get help due to fear of being judged. Some of these myths can also lead to alcoholics being in denial about their problem because they don't fit a stereotyped appearance of an alcoholic. Alcoholism, also know as alcohol dependency, describes an addiction to alcohol in order to cope with everyday life.
Myth: Those who often get drunk are...
Virtually You: The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality by Elias Aboujaoude, MD
By Robin (PSY)
There are many books that discuss the dangers of an "internet addiction," which can occur when people fall victim to obsessions over online video games, compulsive shopping, and pathological gambling, among other things. Society as a whole understands that spending too much time on the internet can have a variety of consequences, including loss of sleep or insomnia, increased distractibility or...
How addictions develop
By Robin (PSY)
Why is it so difficult to stop using some drugs, such as nicotine, cannibis, alcohol, and caffeine? Why does one person become addicted to these and other substances, while another person does not? How much of a substance needs to be used in order for an addiction to develop, and how long does it take for an addiction to develop? The answers to these questions vary depending on a number of factors, so this article aims to provide broader explanations in...
How to overcome nail biting
By Hester (Peppermint Tea.♥)
Nail biting is a habit that a lot of people struggle with, from children, to teens, even adults. For some people, nail biting is something that they do when they are stressed. Other people get a feeling of comfort or security from it. Nail biting can cause damage to your fingers and nails. Short-term damage can include sore or bleeding nail beds, hang nails and infections. Although nail biting doesn’t usually cause long-term...
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 4, Issue 2 (August 2010).
Some Sobering Thoughts
By Holly Marie (Rie) and Amy (ShimmeringFaerie)
Sex, drugs, and alcohol. They sound like fun, right? But do you know the dangers? While I'm not going to tell you not to have sex, drink alcohol, or take drugs, I won't encourage you either. What I'm going to say is that if you choose to do so, be sure to keep yourself and those around you safe. When you go to a party you never expect bad things to...
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 3, Issue 9 (March 2010).
Drugs and your Brain
By Maria (Gidig)
Many teenagers and adults do drugs everyday, whether they’re legal or not. But very few of those people know how exactly each drug works or the effects of drug use. It’s important and healthy to know what may happen inside your body, if you choose to use drugs. So here some of the most common drugs, and how they affect you, are explained.
Marijuana: Most commonly marijuana, also known...
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 3, Issue 7 (January 2010).
by Maria (Gidig)
Alcoholism is a disease that can easily affect anyone and everyone, regardless if you’re the one drinking or not. How are we supposed to handle this along with the struggles of everyday life? Perhaps you or a loved one thinks you have a problem with drinking. You are not alone.
Alcoholism is a more common problem than you think. It’s also known as alcohol dependency, and it really is just...