momentary rant. *trig?*
Posted February 10th 2013 at 11:55 PM by escape♥
I have so much homework and I dont know how to do most of it & I have like no motivation to do anything or move or get up or anything.
I just want to sit here & cry.
I feels so fat & disgusting I want to feel beautiful & pretty, I want to loose weight so bad but I have to eat dinner soon & I really don't want to go back to my ED life..
I'm so tired & I have a headache & I really just need some motivation & LOADS of positivity & someone to hold me right now.
That is all. vent over. *sigh*
I just want to sit here & cry.
I feels so fat & disgusting I want to feel beautiful & pretty, I want to loose weight so bad but I have to eat dinner soon & I really don't want to go back to my ED life..
I'm so tired & I have a headache & I really just need some motivation & LOADS of positivity & someone to hold me right now.
That is all. vent over. *sigh*

Total Comments 1
I know this is a bit late, I'm sorry.
Having no motivation to do school work is so awful, I hate when that happens.
You're allowed sit and cry. You can anytime you want. Better to express yourself then hold it all in.
You ARE NOT 'fat and disgusting'. You ARE beautiful and pretty! I've seen the photos you put in you're beautiful album. But getting compliments and believing in those compliments are different things. <3
(Even though I haven't been on in a while) I am here if you'd like to talk to me.
Stay strong sweetie. I believe you can get through this.Posted April 1st 2013 at 11:44 PM by Samwise