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TeenHelp September 14th 2016 06:40 PM

TeenHelp July 12th 2016 09:05 PM
Effective ways to organize rooms By Chantal (Atropos) We all have moments when we realize our home isn't very organized or it's very cluttered. It's important to have an organized space to work and live in, as having a cluttered and messy space can affect how we see things and can reduce our motivation. Here are a few tips and tricks for each room to keep them clutter free and organized. Living room: Have a book shelf or CD rack to place your favourite movies and CDs so you have...
Storyteller. February 7th 2014 06:03 AM
Making Poetry An Art By Holly (Algernon) 1. Write as though you are appealing to the five senses. Taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. This is a great way to convey to the reader the very essence of your poetry. People understand when you are directing your words to their "vulnerable" zones. When you are speaking to your lover, you try and use words to describe how they taste and how they look. It's alluring. The same goes for poetry. If you can seduce someone with your words, they will...
TeenHelp May 1st 2023 01:00 PM
How to determine your feelings By Cassie (cynefin) Sometimes when you're struggling with something, it can be hard to acknowledge or put words to how you're feeling. This can cause frustration or difficulty communicating with others. Here are a few things to try when you're coming up blank. Assign a color to your feelings. It doesn't have to be the typical "I'm feeling blue" or "I'm seeing red" either. If that's helpful, go for it. If not, dig deeper: maybe you're a...
TeenHelp January 11th 2018 05:01 AM

Storyteller. February 5th 2014 09:51 PM
Honest about dishonesty by Robin (PSY) Why do we lie? Tad Williams once said that “we tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us.” We also lie when we want to profit from something, to get out of trouble, or to spare the feelings of our loved ones. There are many positive things we can gain from lying, but how does lying benefit us in the long run? The occasional “white lie” may not hurt anyone,...
Storyteller. February 5th 2014 10:41 PM
From scraps to treasure by Brittany (.Brittany.) Scrapbooking can be a lot of fun and a great alternative or distraction! The process is fun, fairly easy, and a great way to keep memories from vacations, friends, high school, college, camp, family get togethers, and so much more! There are even scrapbooking courses that you can take if you decide that this is something that you really enjoy. Most scrapbooking kits will have everything that you need like stickers and decorations. They...
TeenHelp December 10th 2018 10:10 AM

TeenHelp January 1st 2018 07:23 PM
New Year's Resolutions By Jenna M. (Fernweh.) Each November and December, we decide on our New Year resolutions, saying we will quit or change something that is detrimental to our well-being starting from January 1st. This seems like an easy thing to do, right? Telling yourself “I will begin doing…” or that “I will stop…” at the beginning of each year. Some people even stop doing one thing that might be harmful and begin something that is healthy or beneficial to them. ...
TeenHelp May 1st 2023 01:12 PM
New Year's resolutions list By Emmie (Golfing girl) A lot of people make New Year's resolutions every year and they do not accomplish what they have picked and just give up because they either pick too many things or they are unable to complete what they have picked. Let's try a different way and see how we can complete our New Year's resolutions list together. Step one, make a list of things that you want to do or change about yourself. For example, exercise more, helping out...
TeenHelp December 4th 2017 01:06 AM
Inexpensive holiday decor for a small space By Jenna (~Abibliophobe~) One of the activities that a lot of people look forward to during the holidays is being able to decorate their home. However, for many people decorating can be difficult to do because they are living in a small space or they are living on a tight budget and decorations are often expensive to acquire. Also, plenty of the typical decorations such as a tree can end up taking up a fair bit ...
TeenHelp September 9th 2016 12:41 PM
Creative ways to deal with writer's block By Cassie (Cassado) Writer's block is when a writer feels like they cannot write a new piece or continue something they're already working on. It can be discouraging, frustrating, and for many, a lengthy process that leaves writers feeling like their writing may never continue. This article will talk about a few ways for you to exercise your mind while on the journey to beat writer's block. Everyone's writing process is different, so what works for...
TeenHelp July 3rd 2017 12:51 PM
Meetup By Chantal (WretatsyRemedial) Meetup is an online search engine where you can do just that: meet with people who share common interests. This article will explain what Meetup is, how to navigate the website, common Meetups, the benefits of Meetup, and how to start your own group. What is Meetup? Meetup is a website where you can search for events in your area or city; it can also be a tourism guide for events. Meetup brings people and communities together while doing things...
TeenHelp December 2nd 2019 04:51 AM
8 holiday gifts you can make By Cassie (cynefin) source] Thinking of gifts to buy for others can be a challenge: it can be hard to think of an item, or it may be difficult to stretch your budget while being satisfied with the gifts you're giving. The list below shows a few items you can make on your own. Some of these gifts contain smaller items that can be bought and combined to create a gift with different touches. Make a dish baked good, or something for later. If you are...
TeenHelp December 8th 2018 08:26 AM

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