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Articles - Media and Entertainment
Storyteller. February 5th 2014 09:16 PM
Book reviews: Tweaked and Beautiful Boy By Maria (Gidig) Methamphetamine, you’ve probably heard the word, it's an awful, addictive drug. One young man unfortunately got addicted to it, and the books Tweaked: Growing Up on Methamphetamines by Nic Sheff and Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey Through His Son’s Addiction by David Sheff, explain the whole story. David Sheff is the father who watches his son waddle through the struggles of life. Unfortunately, once the drugs start, there is no...
Storyteller. February 5th 2014 09:00 PM
Sudoku By Strider (Nat) The name of the game is Sudoku. You’ve probably heard about it, or even tried this puzzle out for yourself, but how did math become so much fun? Thanks to a retired judge by the name of Wayne Gould, this number game became popular in 1997, even though it has inspiration dating back to the late 1800s. Gould was able to create a computer program that could make the puzzles quickly, making Sudoku the perfect number puzzle to be published throughout newspapers and...
Storyteller. July 1st 2013 01:53 PM
The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer By Robin (PSY) Dave Pelzer, the author of this book, is lucky to be alive today. For years, he experienced physical and emotional abuse at the hands of his mother. His father and brothers failed to intervene, and even turned on Dave at various points in order to avoid his mother’s wrath. Child abuse was treated much differently in the 1960s and 1970s, and as a result, the authorities were not informed of the horrendous abuse until Dave was twelve years old. ...
Storyteller. May 2nd 2013 12:46 AM
A review of Buffy the Vampire Slayer By Chess (Syzygy.) On May 20, 2003, the final episode of the television show 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' was aired. The episode, ‘Chosen’, signalled the end of its seventh season, and it remains a critically acclaimed program that remains popular with fan groups around the world. The franchise was developed in 1992 with a film of the same name, which has been described by the series creator as ‘a start, but it’s not quite the girl’. The intention with the...
Rob August 4th 2012 05:01 PM
The Bathroom Mirror by Craig Barton By Robin (PSY) Many users on TeenHelp have been inspired by Craig Barton's (a.k.a. CanadaCraig) compassionate and encouraging words at some point, whether it was a random visitor message or a response to a thread. Recently, Craig wrote a book called The Bathroom Mirror, which I have had the pleasure of reading and reviewing this month. Some of you may be thinking, "How well could a 49-year-old possibly relate to me?" The answer is,...
Rob June 3rd 2012 12:28 PM
The Book of Tomorrow by Cecelia Ahern By Manasvi (Artistic Soul) The Book of Tomorrow is a magical modern-age tale. The lead character is a 16-year-old girl named Tamara Goodwin. Being from a rich family, she is used to getting her own way and strongly believes in the policy of "my way or the highway!" Then, suddenly, her father commits suicide because of excessive debts and stress, causing Tamara and her mother to leave Dublin and live with some mysterious relatives (supposedly, her...
Mel June 1st 2010 04:54 AM
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 3, Issue 10 (April 2010). Oscar Overview By Brittany (.Brittany.) The 82nd annual Oscar Awards were held Sunday March 7th, 2010. Whether it was for the gorgeous red carpet dresses, or just to find out who won the Oscar's, an estimated 41.62 million people watched as hosts Alex Baldwin and Steven Martin ran the show. Here are some of the night's big winners! The Hurt Locker is an American war movie about elite soldiers in Iraq that have the most...
Mel May 6th 2010 03:15 AM
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 3, Issue 9 (March 2010). March Playlist: Share Your Smile By Jessie (Asylum) Positive music can be hard to find, or at least to identify. We could be obvious, cliché, and go with songs like “Don’t Worry, be Happy” by Bobby McFerrin or “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves. But let’s face it, our good moods vary from “I’m happy to be with you” to “I’m happy you’re gone!” And so this month, in honor of Music in Our Schools Month, Share a Smile...
Mel April 2nd 2010 06:58 AM
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 3, Issue 8 (February 2010). Ten Songs You Want to Hear By Jessie (Asylum) Everyone has them, a few favorite lesser-known songs, ones they could listen to on repeat for hours. Whether the lyrics are uplifting or haunting, there is just “something” that draws you in. Some may have once been popular… when your parents were in school! Still others aren’t available on any CD, and some simply never got the radio playtime they deserve. Without further ado,...
Mel April 2nd 2010 05:41 AM
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 3, Issue 7 (January 2010). 2010 Olympic Winter Games By Nat (Strider) The New Year is a time for setting goals and creating opportunities, whether they are about staying active, doing homework, or winning gold medals. It is a time for reaching potential, and striving to have fun along the way. The 2010 Olympic Winter Games is the perfect inspiration for doing something incredible in the New Year, and finding exciting activities to take part in...
Mel December 1st 2009 07:10 AM
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 3, Issue 5 (November 2009). National Novel Writing Month By Nat (Strider) New Years is a time to set personal goals, but November is the month to step forward and achieve your personal goal of writing. November hosts National Novel Writing Month, a great way to embark on a creative journey and express yourself in ways you would not have thought possible, as well as have a lot of fun. Chris Baty founded NaNoWriMo just over ten years ago, giving...
Mel October 9th 2009 08:47 AM
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 3, Issue 3 (September 2009). Bring Out The Beethoven! By Nat (Strider) There is no better time to listen to a concerto, go to an opera, or decide to pick up the violin than September! Classical Music Month is a time that everyone can enjoy, even if your favourite instrument is the electric guitar. Classical music is most often played by a symphony orchestra, which can contain over twenty six types of instruments. The instruments fall under the...
Mel October 1st 2009 10:33 PM
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 3, Issue 2 (August 2009). TeenHelp's Top Ten World Roller Coasters By Strider Do you like thrills? Then this list of some of the biggest, scariest, and best roller coasters in the world is for you! Behemoth Theme Park: Canada’s Wonderland
Mel August 4th 2009 09:36 AM
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 3, Issue 1 (July 2009). Sweet Summer Showstoppers By Katrina and Gidig The summer of '09 is one of quick romances, hot days and sunburns. It's a summer of digging our toes into the sand, of cruises, of huge clouds, and of relaxing in general. Even more, the summer of '09 is one of sweet summer showstoppers, and the meaning behind these magnificent melodies! "Second Chance" by Shinedown
Mel August 4th 2009 09:28 AM
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 3, Issue 1 (July 2009). Summer Flicks By Nat (Strider) Summer is finally here! You’ve been outside all day biking, swimming, walking, and getting wicked sun burns, but what can you do when you just want to relax and chill out? This is a list of upcoming must sees, both at your cinema, and in the comfort of your living room. What’s on the big screen?

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